Friday, October 10, 2014

Increase Boost On The Saleen Supercharger

A Saleen supercharger pumps air into the intake action to exaggeration the proportions of fuel/air mix that can be detonated by the Glimmer plug. The supercharger is powered by a cummerbund from the engine that runs on all sides of a pulley on the engine and another pulley on the supercharger. Changing the immensity of air that the supercharger pumps is as lucid as changing the bigness of the pulley on the supercharger. The inventory Saleen supercharger comes with a 4-inch pulley that spins the supercharger speedy Sufficiently to design a boost of 5 to 6 pounds per square inch. Put the pulley bolt washer on the pulley bolt and put a drop of thread adhesive on the threads.6. Use the torque wrench to tighten the new pulley to the specifications supplied by the manufacturer. This is usually 30 foot pounds.

It's all the more easier to drudgery on the supercharger when the rotors can't turn.

2. Remove the pulley bolt and washer from the supercharger with the socket wrench.

3. Pull the coerce pulley gently off the shaft.

4. Treasure trove the 3/16 crucial on the input shaft. Limit it up with the mounting gap on the advanced drive pulley.

5. Smaller pulleys constitute the supercharger spin faster and deliver a higher boost.


1. Blank wall the rotors from turning by placing the towel between them.

7. Remove the towel that held the rotors still.