When doing a routine inspection of your Honda CR-V, probation away the battery cables.2. Loosen the bolt on the clouded contravening battery cable with a box wrench or cable clamp pliers. Tap it gently with a limited hammer whether it doesn't thirst to come off and then wiggle the cable mark off the publish. Repeat the modus operandi on the blush pleasant cable.
1. Peep for the top-post battery on the Chauffeur's side of the Honda CR-V, ethical latest the slanted headlight box.
They can easily convert corroded and prevent your Honda from starting. Proof the cable ends; whether they're touching, you should interchange the cables. Fraying of the wire is another communication that it's future to interchange your cables. Remove both battery cables, much provided you're isolated replacing one of them.
3. Follow the black negative cable to where it's grounded on the front part of the frame next to the headlight on the Honda CR-V. Remove the end of the cable with the wrench. Track the red positive cable to its connection on the starter solenoid on the front driver side of the engine and remove it with the wrench.
4. Clean the posts with a small wire brush or cable cleaner and wipe them clean with a dry cloth.
5. Attach the new positive cable first, reversing the process in Step 3. Connect the negative cable last and start the car to ensure that the connections are working on your Honda CR-V.