To cache your Dodge Company's fuel action running cleanly, you demand to transform the fuel filter every 12,000 to 20,000 miles. The Mass of the fuel development is located sorrounding the rear left shove flourishing on the Camper, which includes the fuel receptacle, pump meeting and fuel filter. You charge to lift up the automobile on the rear side and slightly lower the fuel tank to arrive and remove the fuel filter.
1. Help all compel from the Convoy's fuel manner. Unfastened the Gauze cap, set off the engine and remove the fuel pump relay from the fuse box. The engine Testament stall after a uncommon seconds; Eccentric person it a couple of times to make sure it doesn't commencement again. Turn off the ignition and disconnect the bad battery cable.
2. Uplift the Troop's rear speck on jack stands. Set the fuel vat near the left rear trundle fresh. Brace the vehicle with the van's stock floor jack, placing a sheet of plywood between them to keep the jack from damaging the tank.
3. Remove the strap bolts on the fuel tank and lower it slightly, without removing it altogether, so you can reach the fuel filter.
Mount the new fuel filter onto the van and tighten the mounting bolt. Connect the filter to the delivery and return lines.7.
5. Remove the fuel filter by removing its mounting bolt.
6.4. Disconnect the fuel filter from the fuel delivery and return lines at their quick-connect fittings. If they are two-tab fittings, squeeze the retainer tabs inward and pull the line and fitting apart. For a retainer ring fitting, push the fitting toward the line while pushing the retainer ring into the fitting and pull them apart with the ring depressed.
Secure the fuel tank to the van by raising it back up and placing it back in the straps. Lower and remove the floor jack once the tank is secure, then lower the vehicle from the jack stands.
8. Re-connect the battery cable, fuel pump relay and gas cap. Pressurize the fuel system by turning the ignition on for two seconds and shutting it off for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat this ignition switch procedure five to ten times.