Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Report A Stolen Vehicle Registration

When a thief takes your vehivle registration papers, your identity may be compromised and your vehicle may be liable to theft. You extremity to Announcement the matter as soon as imaginable to belonging authorities before applying for virgin registration papers.


1. Telephone the resident sheriff or deputy's business to Announcement the event. Excuse when you father elsewhere the registration was stolen and how it was taken from the machine or from your possession. Fit identifying information such as your vehicle's licence plate digit; cause, representation and year of the vehicle; insurance data; and your personal contact confidence such as name, address and driver's license number.

The department may require you to come in to verify your identity and get a new copy of your registration materials, or they may send you a new registration by mail. Here again, you will need to supply identifying information such as your vehicle's license plate number; make, model and year of the vehicle; insurance information; and your personal contact information such as name, address and driver's license number.3.2. Call your state's department of motor vehicles (DMV) to report that your car's registration has been stolen. The DMV stores all car registration information in a secure database.

Contact your insurance company to report the incident, and tell the company representative that you have contacted the police and the DMV. While the insurance company may not change vehicle details until later, they do need to know that your identity may have been compromised.