A6 Radio Emigration
Audi's entry into the midsize sedan Sort, the Audi A6, has class-competitive performance, luxury and audio options. When adding components to your Audi's stereo or repairing or replacing your radio, Emigration of the workshop course can be done with fleeting vehivle audio empiricism. You can stock the charge of removing the A6 radio to an audio know stuff, or you can arrange it yourself.
Before enchanting on any occupation involving the Audi's electrical operation, you must early disconnect the dissension battery cable. The cable, very called the grounding cable, is clouded and connects the battery to the frame or chassis of the A6. Applicability a 10-mm wrench to loosen the cable's clamp. Push the tools into their slots until they lock into place. Pull each of the rings carry on of the tools evenly to slide the radio deck from the dash of the Audi. To pull all four tools at the moment, weave a string through each of the loops and pull the string.
Remove the clamp from the colorless guidance advise and wrest it absent from the battery until your endeavor is finished.
Extracting the Radio.
While many vehicles miss that you remove at least one of the sprint panels to access the stereo mounting bracket, the Audi stereo can be removed with two sets of Audi Noise Emigration tools.Insert the DIN removal tools into the outermost creases of the four corner buttons on the stereo's face. Pull the stereo far enough to access the wiring connections at the rear of the stereo deck.Disconnecting the Radio
Connected to the rear of the stereo will be four groups of wires: the antenna, the speakers, the amplifier and the power supply (from the battery). Remove each of the wire groups by the plastic wire group binders, not the wires themselves.
Press the chrome DIN tool release mechanisms on the sides of the removed stereo to release the tools from the radio.