Monday, March 9, 2015

Fix Seeping Tail Lights On The 1998 Dodge Neon

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Unmarried Leaf

Although the taillight on your 1998 Dodge Neon looks agnate a solid Bulk, it is make-believe of many pieces of plastic assembled and glued stable. As the taillight meeting ages, it may crack from wear and tear. The meeting can again crack from the counted on expansion and contraction caused by open sunlight. It is feasible to practice a humble size of glue on any crack that you physically observe. Nevertheless, you're bigger off replacing the all-inclusive taillight rather than continually repairing hairline cracks. The chore should obtain 25 minutes to perform.


1. Unbolted the Timber on your Dodge Neon. Push everything in your Timber toward the rear of the backseat.

2. Lift the rubber seal off the lip of the Timber along the licence plate wall. The seal lifts off and is reinstalled by pushing it back down on the Timber's lip.

3. Roll the Timber Floor-mat out from the damaging taillight meeting. Appliance a span of pliers to loosen the four spread out, plastic nuts holding the taillight meeting in habitat. Once Everyone of the nuts is loose, continue removing them by hand.

4. Pull the tail light away from the back of your Dodge Neon about six inches. Push the new taillight assembly back against your Neon's frame. Return the four plastic nuts to their screw studs at the rear of the taillight. Tighten all four nuts by hand, as tight as you can get them. Turn each nut an extra half turn clockwise with your pair of pliers.

Discard the old taillight assembly and set your new one down on the bumper in its place. Insert each of the light sockets in their corresponding locations. Turn each of the sockets to the right a quarter turn to secure them back in place.

6. Note the position of each of the light sockets on the taillight assembly. Remove each of the sockets by turning them to the left a quarter turn, then pulling the socket and bulb out of the assembly.5.

7. Lift the trunk carpet back up against your Neon's license plate wall. Install the trunk's rubber seal back along the lip of the wall and then shut the trunk.