Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Get Antifreeze Off A Concrete Front yard

You can remove antifreeze stains from your concrete driveway.

Antifreeze, corresponding to other automotive fluids, leaves a visible stain when it dries on your vehivle, garage floor and much your concrete driveway. The stain dries dull and provided left, can penetrate and permanently stain the concrete. When removing the stain, applicability a cleaner that won't spread the antifreeze or damage the concrete underneath the stain. Once the stain is out, you compulsion To cleanse the concrete with a doctrine to remove any remaining antifreeze fragments.

6. Dry the concrete by patting it with old rags or towels. Dispose of the rags or towels in a trash bag. Dispose of the trash bags in your home's trashcan.

Wear work gloves to keep the litter smell off your hands. Let the cat litter sit on the stain overnight.

2. Sweep the litter onto a dustpan and dispose of the litter in a trash bag.

3. Dress in a long-sleeve shirt, long pants, rubber gloves and rubber boots. Put on a respirator and eye goggles to keep the muriatic acid from entering your lungs and eyes.

4. Cover any remaining antifreeze fragments with muriatic acid. Let the acid sit on the stain for five minutes. Scrub the stain thoroughly with a scrub brush to break up the fragments. Do not to let the acid run onto the grass or into any storm drains --- the acid will kill the grass and damage the environment.

5. Fill a bucket with a half gallon of warm water. Dip the scrub brush in the bucket of water and apply the water to the concrete. Scrub the concrete, re-dip the brush and continue to scrub the concrete until it is clean. Do not to let the water run onto the grass or into any storm drains --- the water contains acid fragments that will kill the grass and damage the environment.


1. Sprinkle cat litter over the antifreeze stain --- cover the stain completely.