Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Use A Fiero Motor Mount

The Pontiac Fiero contains two rubber and steel Engine mounts to abbreviate problems caused by the vibration of the engine. The rubber inside the Engine mounts are exposed to the elements and are contents to Worm-hole with time. This can surpass to rattles while the engine is running, and eventually to untimely aging of engine parts. Modify the front and rear engine mounts in your Fiero to aid lock on a longer energy for the engine.

There is no torque specification for engine mount installation.6. Remove the rear engine mount. Use the appropriate socket wrench to remove the four retaining bolts on the rear engine mount and remove the mount from the vehicle.

2. Lay an 18-inch collection of 2-by-4 stud on the extreme of the arm of a jack stand. Slide the jack stand underneath the vehicle and raise the arm until the wood hits the oil pan. Position the wood horizontal to the front axle housing with the jack stand perpendicular to the axle housing. Keep raising the jack stand until the weight of the engine rests on the jack stand and wood.

3. Crawl underneath the vehicle and locate the two engine mounts. Use the new engine mounts as a reference, if necessary. The mounts are attached to the back of the engine and hold the engine to a piece of the frame that is horizontal with the front axle housing. The front engine mount is in the middle of the engine; the rear engine mount is catty-cornered on the vehicle's frame box toward the driver's side door.

4. Use the appropriate socket wrench to remove four bolts from the front engine mount. Two of the bolts are on the frame of the vehicle and two are on the engine block.

5. Install the new front engine mount with the appropriate socket wrench.


1. Lift the front extreme of the vehicle with two vehivle jacks placed firmly on the frame equal carry on the front spin wells. Arrange decided to lift the vehicle on a dense, Apartment lodgings surface.

7. Install the new rear engine mount using a socket wrench.

8. Lower the jack stand slowly. Lower the front end of the vehicle and drive the car slowly to test the new engine mounts. Listen and feel for rattles and vibrations.