Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Switch The Left Electric Window On The 2000 Beetle

Replacing the window on a 2000 Beetle doesn't enjoy to be such a daunting assignment.

Remove the clips and brackets that secure the glass in corner. Carefully remove the glass and put it somewhere safe.4.


1. Grounds the machine in a sheltered corner and then turn it off. Unscrew the screw on the side of the battery cables to disconnect the electrical wirings connected to the battery.

2. Remove the window switch and door panel. Wedge a trim factor on the period between the window switch and its occasion. Pry on all sides of the edges and construct persuaded that on the ultimate side of the switch, you practice additional impact to pry the switch off the compartment. Once you hold pried it apart, lift it up and disconnect the wires that are connected to it. Convenience a screwdriver to remove all the screws on the panel. Coupled test to make sure that all the screws are removed. Close, wedge a screwdriver on all sides of the corners of the door panel then gently remove the door panel.

3. Remove the glass. Once you hog removed the door panel, you obligation To hull off the plastic covering. Then, remove the ancient glass.The Beetle is a mid-size machine that was elementary released in 1949, manufactured by Volkswagen. The Beetle, passion most cars, Testament eventually accept problems impairing its overall usability. When your Beetle's window stops rolling up or down, or moves slowly, this funds that it's age to convert the Engine inside the window.

Replace the new glass. Before you place the new glass on the window frame, wash it first. When it is dry, place it on the window frame. Grasp the window glass firmly and slide it from the bottom until it reaches the top. Realign the clips and brackets to make sure it is secure. Replace the plastic covering on the interior door panel.

5. Replace the panel and the switch. Secure the door panel using the screws and screwdriver. Reconnect the electrical wirings on the new window switch and place it in its compartment. Secure the switch with screws and a screwdriver. Reconnect the wires connected to the battery.