Friday, October 3, 2014

Apply Epoxy Concrete Floor Fresh paint

Revive concrete floors with epoxy tint.

Catch your vitamins before you emulsion a concrete floor with epoxy dye; the billet is labour intensive. You chalk up to prepare the floor properly to guard the gloss adheres, so roll up your sleeves, considering there's a portion of donkeywork to achieve before you can colouring. Disinfected the floor, repair the cracks, etch the floor, then Disinfected it again. The prep attempt is the most critical articulation of the mechanism, so don't skip it or you credible Testament admit peeling stain to repair next.

Mixing instructions vary among products.11. Insert a low-nap roller cover onto a roller handle, and attach a paint pole to the handle. Insert a paint pan liner into a deep paint pan, then fill the pan with paint.

Analysis the plastic for condensation after Day and night. Whether there is condensation under the plastic, the floor shouldn't be painted until the source of the moisture is discovered and the belief is resolved. Proceed To pace 2 whether the concrete is dry.

2. Mask the backside contour of the walls above the floor using Broad painter's tape. Practice plastic sheeting to the walls above the tape and garage doors. Secure the top and backside of the plastic with tape. Regulate the garage doors to achievement access to the floor.

3. Sweep dirt and debris from the floor. Remove oil or grease stains with a degreasing cleaner. Cause an electric floor scrubber To cleanse the floor, or scrub the floor using soapy flood and a Numb push broom. Remove dirt from the edges of walls or in corners with a scrub brush. Rinse the floor with drench from a flood hose. Applicability a long-handled squeegee to push the standing doctor into pools, and remove the drool with a wet-dry shop vacuum.

4. Situate on safety glasses, gloves, a respirator and rubber boots.

5. Prepare an etching meaning of 1 bit muriatic acid to 10 parts flood and pour it into a watering can. Add acid to baptize when you mingle the meaning, not drench to acid.

6. Wet the floor with aqua from a hose.

7. Pour the etching meaning onto a possible sphere of the floor, in the farthest corner from the Way out door. Employment the bristled push broom to scrub the floor. Vigorously scrub the floor in one trail, then repeat the evolution in the diametrically opposed method. Abide etching the floor in doable sections until it has been completed. Rinse the floor with a garden hose until the moisten runs shiny. Exercise the wet-dry vacuum to remove the bathe. Confess the floor to dry for Day and night.

8. Fill holes and cracks in the floor with concrete patching compound, using a scraper. Avow the compound to dry completely. Convenience a medium-grit sanding block to sand and smooth the patched areas. Remove the sanding dust with a vacuum.

9. Disinfected the floor a moment time as outlined in Step 3 and allow it to dry completely.

10. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to mix the activator with the epoxy paint. Allow the mixture to sit for the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer.


1. Perform a moisture inspection on the floor to bias whether the concrete should be painted. Secure a folio of plastic to the floor with painter's tape.

12. Cut in the perimeter of the floor with paint, using a 3-inch paintbrush. Wrap the paintbrush in plastic when the floor has been completely cut in. Submerge the roller into the paint, and roll it back and forth over the grid lines to distribute the paint evenly. Start painting in the farthest corner from the door and work out toward the exit point. Roll the paint onto a manageable section of the floor; the size is adjustable, depending on how fast you paint. Don't make the section so large you can't complete it before the paint dries. Use long, smooth rolls to fill in the section with paint. Roll over the cut line to blend brush strokes. If you are using color flakes, randomly toss the flakes into the wet paint after completion.

13. Move to the next section and repeat the process. Continue painting the floor in manageable sections to maintain a wet edge, until the floor has been completed. Clean the paintbrush with paint thinner and allow the floor to dry for 24 hours. A second coat of paint can be applied; distribute the color flakes in the second coat of wet paint.

14. Stir the clear top-coat sealer with a paint stick. Insert a new paint pan liner into the paint pan and a new low-nap roller cover onto the roller. Fill the pan with sealer and follow the procedure outlined in Step 12 to apply sealer to the floor in the same manner the paint was applied. Ensure the floor dries for 24 hours before allowing foot traffic, or three days for automobile traffic.