Friday, May 8, 2015

Fresh paint An Automotive Obvious Coat

Always wear protective gear when spraying stain.

Picture a free coat on a vehicle is done good after the Ending design colour coat is sprayed. This is a two-stage emulsion step where the color coat is the headmost event and the sunshiny coat is the moment sheet. The bright coat adds still needed UV-protection to the colour coat and adds a glossy Stop to the emulsion faculty. Picture an automotive unclouded coat requires some delineation experience for it to come out smooth and flawless.


1. Mix the clear coat paint with clear coat hardener. Use a 4:1 ratio, meaning 4 ounces of clear coat and 1 ounce of hardener. Use left and right movements, not up and down. Slightly overlap each stroke for even coverage.3. Add a total of three to eight coats of clear coat paint, depending on the desired look.

Use the same brand of hardener and paint to prevent chemical reactions. Stir the mixture well before pouring it into the paint gun.2. Hold the spray gun sixteen inches from the surface and begin at the top of the vehicle.

Keep each coat thin to avoid runs in the clear coat. Wait five to ten minutes between each coat before spraying on the next one. Let the final coat dry for several hours, per the manufacturer instructions.