Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Make Use Of A Timing Light With An Outboard Motor

When you get-up-and-go to allot the timing on your outboard Engine as component of a tune up, you'll extremity to appliance a timing light. The timing light is specialized strobe light that flashes as the timing marks on your motor's timing grid pass the timing pointer, a pointed metal tab that's aimed at the timing grid like an arrow, while your motor is running at both idle and at faster speeds.


1. Connect the timing light's black alligator clip to the negative post of the battery, or to the boat's common ground.3. Clip the timing light's large gray alligator clip to the Number 1 spark plug lead. Shine the timing light at the motor's timing grid and look at the timing pointer.

Connect the alligator clip on the timing light's red lead to the positive post of the battery. The timing light has three clips: red for power; black for the ground; and gray, to control the strobe in the light.2.

The strobe in the timing light is synchronized with your motor's speed. When the motor is running and you point the timing light at the timing grid on the flywheel, the number that indicates your motor's ignition timing before or after top dead center will seem as if it's constantly illuminated.