Body molding
stripes are mythical of vinyl and stick to your vehicle using soapy saturate.2. Test fit the vinyl strip onto the vehicle surface and complete any trimming necessary with a razor blade.3. Spray the area you want to install the stripe onto with the soapy water in a spray bottle. You can add these stripes to your own vehivle.
1. Strip the increase off the whitewash where you big picture to install the stripes using a enlarge remover available from your community automotive constituent supplier. Operate a miniature size of the wax remover to a cotton towel and apply it to the vehicle. This will ensure the vinyl stripe adheres to the painted surface of the vehicle.
Many at variance manufacturers install intent moulding strips. For instance, the 2005-2009 Ford Mustang used "Mustang" stripes on the backside rocker panels. Actually, sports cars comparable the Mustang, Camaro and Malibu all came with optional body molding stripes.
4. Place the vinyl strip onto the soapy surface and place it where you want it on the vehicle.
5. Press the water and air bubbles from under the vinyl using a squeegee and then allow the water to evaporate completely before driving the vehicle.