Friday, January 16, 2015

Measure Woodruff Key Blades

A keyway is used to attach two metal items in sync between a stationary shaft and a rotating body. Woodruff pivotal cutters incision a keyseat into the metal at the junction of the two parts. Captivating equitable measurements of a crucial cutter determines the keyseat thickness and Profundity that the part Testament abbreviate. These measurements can be converted into a Woodruff key-cutter magnitude.

Take this measurement in sixteenths of an inch. In this example, the thickness of the cutter is three-sixteenths of an inch.4.

2. Pick up a Woodruff main cutter by the shaft. Affiliate one side of the round cutting attitude with the love point on the measuring tape. Measure the diameter of the cutting head in eighths of an inch. For this example, the diameter is one inch.

3. Rotate the measuring tape to measure the width of the cutter. The width is the thickness of the cutting head.


1. Pull the gratuity of a measuring tape away approximately 6 inches and lock the tape degree in situate.

Convert the two measurements into Woodruff size numbers. Multiply the thickness measurement times 2/2 to convert it to 32nds of an inch. This example would be 3/16 times 2/2, which equals 6/32. The nominator is the first digit of a Woodruff key cutter part number, which is six in this example.

5. Add a zero in front of the nominator of the diameter's measurement to obtain two digits. If your measurement was over 1 inch in diameter in Step 2, you will already have a two-digit nominator. In this example, the nominator of 8 becomes 08.

6. Write the thickness measurement from Step 4 down with number from Step 5 down for the part number. In this example, the Woodruff cutter is a 608 size.