Car quarter panels are susceptible to dents, dings and scratches that Testament harm both the metal and the stain. Mini scratches Testament prompt to the formation of rust when left unattended. Perform quarter panel repair as soon as viable to prevent the spread of rust. You can direct a expeditive intent repair Homewards or grip an Professional to catching interest of the hitch. You Testament require to evaluate the damage before deciding on the prerrogative system.
1. Sand the damaged existence with 150-grit sandpaper until smooth and free of charge from Rugged spots and rust. Clear coat is utilized by modern cars as an added layer of protection against scratches and harmful UV rays that will dull and oxidize the paint.
Use a spray gun to apply at least two to three coats of primer to supply adequate protection to the underlying metal on the quarter panel. This is true especially for repaired quarter panels where new sheet metal was utilized in the process. Allow each coat to dry for at least 20 minutes before applying a new coat of primer. Sand the primed surface lightly using 150-grit sandpaper and wipe off any excess dust before applying paint. This will ensure a smooth and even surface that is free from ripples or pockmarks.
3. Use a spray gun to apply three to five ight coats of paint depending on the color that you wish to accomplish. Allow each coat of paint to dry for at least 15 minutes before applying every succeeding coat. Let dry for eight hours or more and apply clear coat to seal the finish. Miniature dings, dents and rust spots on vehicle quarter panels Testament need to be prepped, primed and painted. Depending on the severity of the dent you will also need to apply auto body filler to level all surface imperfections. Wipe off excess dust and apply auto body filler using a flexible putty knife and let dry for at least an hour.2.