Thursday, January 22, 2015

Replace A Bmw Performance Controls

When replacing a BMW steering revolve with another type, beget undeniable the different steering wheel is compatible with the air bag in the existing one. When accomplishing this donkeywork, supervene these instructions without deviating owing to the air bag method has no tolerance for static electricity or DC voltage and could energy off without warning and goal physical harm. It is guarded peerless as directed.


1. Predispose the security code for the radio, as it Testament be disabled in this procedure. Disconnect the battery and let the vehicle sit for at least 15 minutes before proceeding so the circuits energy to sleep and dissipate their charge.

2. Attach the horn ground wire to the bottom of the air bag. Next attach both remaining yellow wires to the air bag and lay the bag in place. Install the screws from the back to secure the air bag.6. Push down on the plastic tube that houses the calescent wire and twist it to the left to unlock it. Pull it straight outside. Establish aside the air bag, face down.

3. Remove the aficionado holding the steering spin. Using a steering revolve puller capture off the steering trundle.

4. Install the latest circle, paying specific care to the raised plastic piece that houses the horn wire. There is a hole in the center of the wheel for this raised piece. Orient the wheel so this piece will slip through the hole in the wheel as you install it. Install the nut on the column and tighten it down.

5. Hold the air bag close to the column and attach the horn button hot wire by taking the plastic tube and gently inserting it in the hole in the steering wheel. While pushing down, twist it to the right to lock it in place. Remove the screws from the back of the steering turn where they get-up-and-go into the air bag--generally you Testament demand Torx bits for this. Lift the air bag up gently remove the two treacherous wires with a clouded stripe attached the bag. There Testament be two added wires for the horn, one is a ground and the other a feverish wire that goes into the steering contour. Remove the ground.

Reconnect the battery---connect the positive post first, then connect the negative post.