Thursday, May 7, 2015

Can Pine Cones Be Burned In Wood Ovens

Pine cones can helping hand amuse a hearth started.

Pine cones generate glowing pops and crackles when burned, helping actualize a glowing, cosy atmosphere. Burning these in your wood stove can be a protected and inexpensive pathway to balm predispose a coals going.


Custom pine cones along with kindling to corrective entertain a wood hearth started. They shine easily and fit nicely underneath a stack of firewood. It is not a congenial concept to apply them in area of wood as they tend to burn quickly, which means you would need to constantly stoke your wood stove.

Fire Starters

Create fire starters for your wood stove from pine cones and wax. Melt paraffin, scraps of old candles or crayons in a double boiler until they are runny. Use a pair of tongs to dip a pine cone into the liquid. Remove and let dry. Place in your wood stove and light with a match.

Most types of pine cones do not have an offensive smell when burned. The pine cones you choose must not contain sap, as this could cause creosote to build up in your chimney.


Pine cones do not produce much smoke when placed in a wood stove. They may spark occasionally, but do not often throw them.