A model send that Testament assignment for cancelling insurance policies.
3. Document should include: Date, your address, your policy number, their address, fax number, time of cancellation, and the reason for stopping the policy.Document does not need: Any new addresses or contact information.
Expect approximately cancelling to cause certain you hope for to. The closest transaction has a specimen correspondence to cancel a renter's insurance policy. Most policies crave a signature and the dossier to be faxed in.
2. The Hour
Policy Number: XXXXXXXXX
Fax Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Alternative Fax Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
[Your insurance provider]
Their street address,
Their apt. number,
Their City, State Zip code
To [Your insurance provider],
I will no longer need a renter's insurance policy for the location of: Your street address, Apt. number, City, State Zip code. I recently graduated, and I am no longer living at the location. I would appreciate it if [Your insurance provider] could cancel my renter's insurance policy as soon as possible. Thank you and have a great day.
Your name
Your signature