Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Look For Air Conditioning Leaks Inside A Nissan Pathfinder

Care your Nissan Pathfinder in the bad feasible working process requires periodic prolongation checks. Inspecting the cooling transaction for leaks is one of these checks. An manifest approach to evaluation is to gander on the globe underneath your customary parking deposit. This is by no funds the isolated idea to evaluation for cooling course leaks, on the other hand it's a positive begin and bully habit to generate.


1. Unlocked the Nissan Pathfinder's hood and proof the hoses and clamps that connect them to the radiator, engine block and heater core. The heater core is carry on the engine and lasting to the windscreen. Attending for any bulging, cracking or splitting that are signs of potential leaks. Contemplation for any fresh leaks, discoloration or corrosion.

2. Inspect the water pump and the gasket seal for possible leaks. The water pump is behind the engine fan. The gasket seal secures the connection between the water pump and the engine block. If there are leaks here, you should see corrosion or discoloration on the water pump or gasket seal.

3. Use a flashlight to inspect all visible areas of the radiator. Due to its somewhat delicate construction, a radiator can sustain damage from rocks and road debris during the normal course of operation. Twist the cap one full turn, step back, wait a minute or two and then remove it completely.5. Turn on the engine of the Nissan Pathfinder and set the heater to high.

Therefore, check the underside of the radiator, again looking for discoloration, fresh leaks or corrosion, all signs of coolant leakage.4. Remove the radiator cap and add fresh coolant to within an inch of overflowing. Verify that the radiator is cool to the touch before you attempt to open it.

Let it run for about 15 minutes. Shut off the engine to examine the hoses, water pump, gasket seal and radiator one more time. If there is still no sign of a leak, take the Pathfinder to a cooling system specialist for further diagnostics.