Wednesday, June 3, 2015

7014 Welding Fishing rod Specifications

Welding with a rod, according to the Airgas website, involves joining "metals when an arc is struck between the electrode and the assignment abundance, creating a weld pool and depositing a consumable metal electrode into the Seam." The rod used -- again notorious as a stick or electrode -- differs according to the metal used. The Lament Ovens website states that a user dragging a rod "duty peerless to drag it on the surface of the steel" while welding, instead of vitality else specific approximately where to habitat the welding rod. The 7014 rod works beefy in situations, For instance, that need a excelling Seam or desire a very flat bead.


Everyone rod has a protective coating that serves a paired head: ensuring the purity of the weld and protecting it. The 7014 welding rod has a coating on it that sets it except other rods. Does this Glimmer an solution?

Iron Powder Coating

The 7014 welding rod's coating, untrue of iron powder, has two benefits: It allows the user to drag the electrode while welding, and to weld amassed quickly than with other welding rods.

The 7014 welding rod comes in packages that weigh 5 pounds, as listed on the Northern Tool and Equipment website. Including the box, the weight increases by .06 pound. The 7014 welding rod has a 1/8-inch diameter, with a tensile strength of 70,000 pounds per square inch.

Use Description

The 7014 rod works well in most applications, whether welding overhead or on a work surface. Its penetration or depth of the weld ranks as medium to low, and it produces smooth, "fine-rippled" beads, the KH Metals website reports.