Thursday, June 4, 2015

Remove An Adverse Battery Cable

Removing the negative battery cable front protects the battery from damage.

Before cleaning or replacing your vehivle battery, you must remove the cables to confirm your safety. You should disconnect and remove the contrary battery cable beginning. This prevents the battery from short circuiting provided you accidentally touch another apportionment of the automobile while removing the conclusive cable. Disconnecting the contravening cable antecedent prevents the vehivle from completing an electrical method, forging it also defended.

For example, a 5/16-inch wrench holds the cables on several models.3. Find the negative (-) sign located on the battery indicating the negative cable. The positive cable has a plus (+) sign.

2. Stare at the battery terminals located on either the side or the top of the battery. Determine the size of the bolt holding the battery cables in place.


1. Turn your vehicle's ignition switch off. Place the parking brake before attempting to remove your battery cable to arrange the vehivle does not roll.

Some vehicles have a black cable for the negative and a red for the positive.

4. Loosen the bolt holding the cable onto the post by turning it counterclockwise, or to the left, with the wrench. Avoid touching the wrench to the positive battery terminal. Pull the negative battery cable off the post.