Prep an Engine for Dye
Prepping an engine for emulsion before you assign it back into the engine compartment is as crucial as prepping the object for gloss. You must shop for all oil residue from the engine and your fingers off the engine, else the dye Testament not stick. You should gloss it with high-temperature distemper, as any other gloss Testament eventually chip and peel owing to of the heat produced by the engine. You can acquire high-temp whitewash in spray cans and predispose a congenial whitewash connection or you can life all gone with high-temp engine gloss and a spray gun.
1.2. Cover any sensors in the block with masking tape. Cover the intake manifold valley with newspaper, so the paint does not get inside the engine. Stuff the exhaust ports and any other openings in the block with newspapers.
Strip the engine down whether it is not already stripped, by removing the intake manifold and the exhaust manifolds. Sensors that are in the block can be left in. Remove all wiring that might still be attached to the block.
3. Wipe the entire engine down with the lacquer thinner and rags to remove oil residue. Allow the engine to dry, then spray the high heat primer on the engine. Allow the primer to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions before starting to paint with a finish color.