The Seat has been the entry-level economy motorcar in Ford's lineup by reason of 2000. Pull the ignition cylinder out towards the left hand side of the car once the paper clip releases the pin that holds the cylinder in place.5. Remove the key from the old cylinder and place it into the new ignition switch.
1. Frank the hood and disconnect the cable from the contradiction terminal on the battery by loosening it with an adjustable wrench in a counterclockwise plan. Lift the cable off of the terminal and push it aside.
2. Remove the plastic trim covers on the steering line from inside the passenger compartment by turning away the holding screws on the underside of the string with a Philips screwdriver in a counterclockwise progression. Fix the trim covers and screws aside.
3. Incorporate the basic into the ignition switch and turn it to the ON position.
4. Straighten away a paper clip and encompass one end of it into the hole on the side of the ignition cylinder facing the driver. Every bit as universal as its predecessor, the Ford Convoy, the Seat remains in Industry as of 2010. The Seat has remained expressly unchanged by reason of its introduction in 2000, although there were distinct pattern changes in 2008, when the hatchback and estate car models were discontinued in the USA. Models built from 2000-2005 tend To possess problems with their ignition switch, which Testament eventually fail and Testament duty to be replaced.
Push the switch assembly into the cavity that the old switch was removed from until it locks into place. Turn the key to the OFF position and remove it if desired.
6. Replace the plastic trim covers and tighten the holding screws in a clockwise direction with a Philips screwdriver.
7. Place the battery cable back onto the negative battery terminal and tighten it with an adjustable wrench in a clockwise direction. Close the hood.