Remove the O2 sensor when cleaning or a replacement is needed.
Your vehicle is equipped with an O2 sensor, which is a specialized electronic Slogan that has the substantial avail of measuring the quantity of O2 within the Gauze. The sensor takes the measurements and regulates or maintains the proportions of unburned O2. A defective O2 sensor Testament element your vehicle to amble roughly, hog and fuel consumption and fail emissions tests. It's crucial To cleanse or transform the oxygen sensor at inaugural message of failure, and to accomplish so, you must fundamental apperceive remove the sensor properly.
1. Place the vehicle in "Stadium" and turn the engine off. Remove the ignition key and engage the parking brake. This will ensure no movement from the vehicle while removing the oxygen sensor. Allow the engine to cool for 15 minutes.
Pull the oxygen sensor off of the manifold. If you do not have an oxygen sensor socket, a 22 mm socket will also work. The sensor is now removed and ready for maintenance or replacement. The sensor is a small white, rubber plug component. Refer to your vehicle owner's manual for exact location as in some models the sensor is near the back of the exhaust manifold.
3. Use a socket wrench along with an oxygen sensor socket to loosen the oxygen sensor. Turn the socket wrench counterclockwise. Continue to turn the socket wrench until the oxygen sensor is loosened completely.
4.2. Open the hood of the vehicle. Locate the oxygen sensor. Sensors are found on the passenger side of the vehicle, on the top of the exhaust manifold.