Friday, September 5, 2014

Settle A Vehicle Accident With No Insurance Provider

Motorcar accidents are ofttimes immoderately expensive nevertheless whether you keep had a correct slight Knob or ethical a scratch you may referendum to assign the van accident without involving an insurance corporation. Parking quantity accidents are one type of affair that doesn't normally incorporate even damage and can be worked gone without many complications provided the flaw is unpaid. You are not required to Announcement a parking group accident to the police and in most locations, they Testament not respond to car accident in a private lot.


Receive a lump sum settlement amount and use this amount to repair your vehicle, or have your vehicle repaired at your expense and collect monthly payments or as otherwise agreed upon by both parties.

Request estimates of repair from two body shops and provide these to the at-fault party. Unless you are very familiar with automobile bodies and current costs of repainting or replacing bumpers, mirrors or side panels, you should not accept a cash settlement or a personal check at the scene.

3. Draft, sign and have notarized a statement that will release the at-fault party from any further liability. This statement should include the amount agreed upon, the terms of payment-lump sum or monthly, and the full names, addresses and signatures of both parties.

4.1. Gather information from the at-fault party, including name, address, drivers license number, license plate number, type, age and color of car and where the damage is located on the vehicle.2.