Friday, February 20, 2015

File A Pothole Damage Claim In New You are able to City

They are the sometimes unavoidable craters of Gotham's megalopolis streets --gaping potholes that state as their victims unsuspecting motorists and their vehicles. Provided you fall into one, act your man Cutting edge Yorkers a favour and ring 311 to Announcement the pothole and then allow for your options. You may be eligible for repair reimbursement from the conurbation.


11. Submit the form in person or send it via certified mail to the New York City Comptroller's Office at One Centre Street, Room 1255, New York City, NY 10007.

Snap a picture of the damage to your vehicle and another of the offending pothole.

3. Shop for notarized statements from any witnesses to the episode, whether viable.

4. Build a put in writing of the police Announcement and any tow records or Car club reports, if applicable.

5. Make a copy of your license and registration to include with the report.

6. Go to the website of the New York City Comptroller, listed in the Resources section below.

7. Download an automobile property damage claim form from the site.

8. Fill out the form in its entirety. Be sure to include your social security number.

9. Include photos, reports, registration, license copy and copies of receipts and canceled checks for repairs or damage cost estimates.

10. Have the completed form notarized.

1. Letter the address and interval of the affair, including the exact site of the pothole.2.