You can manipulate a picture of a band member playing an instrument in your banner.
Web banners are essential identity markers for bands--they let your fans know what's going on, they advertise your band, and if done well, they also look cool. A header banner is bigger than an ad banner and so can contain more information. It should act like a crowning element in your Web page, summing up the essence of your band in a glance. Creating a header banner with Photoshop is simple if you follow these steps.
1. Create a new file in Photoshop. Enter the dimensions of your file in the new file options window. Common dimensions are 750 X 150 pixels.
2. Open the image or art that you wish to use. If you have cover art for your album or other art associated with your band, use that. You can also use a band picture.
3. Select the part of this image that you wish to use. Use the shape selection tools to copy a certain shape, or the quick selection tool to copy a specific part of the image. If you use the quick selection tool, you can use the lasso tool to refine your selection. If you keep the "Shift" button pressed, it will add to your selection. If you keep "Option" pressed, it will subtract from your selection.
4. Go to the "Edit" menu and click on "Copy." Go back to your header banner file. Go to the "Edit" menu and click on "Paste." This will paste your selected artwork on your banner and create a new layer.
5. Make sure a selection tool is in use. Write your band's name and other relevant information. Don't overload with information because you want to keep it short.7.
Right-click anywhere on your new layer and click on "Free transform." You can now alter the size and orientation of your artwork. When you're done, press the "Enter" key.6. Write on your banner by using the "Text" feature on the toolbox.
Go to the "File" menu and click on "Save for Web & Devices." Save as a .jpg file.