Series 70 pistols where manufactured by Colt firearms from 1970 wound up 1983 (when they were replaced by the series 80). The market price of the pistol is listed in the "Down-hearted Textbook of Gun Values," considered the Production guideline. In grouping to figure the price of a Colt MKIV Series 70, you aboriginal demand to assess its occasion. Gun conditions are rated by standards place by the State Rifle Firm and are rated (in ascending assortment) from exactly, bully, Perfect, fine, excellent or contemporary; the higher the grading, the more valuable the pistol.
1. Check to make sure the pistol is unloaded.
2. Examine the pistol and assess the percentage of original finish that is still on the weapon. Record the percentage from 0% to 100%.
3. Check the pistol for corrosion, pitting, metal wear, serviceable parts and overall appearance.5. Look up Colt MKIV Series 70 in the "Blue Book of Gun Values" (published by Blue Book Publications, Inc). The book will give you the estimated value based on gun condition and the finish percentage.
A gun in fair condition is in working order but has a lot of metal wear and possible metal pitting. Good condition indicates minor surface wear but no metal pitting. Guns in Perfect condition show minor surface scratches. Excellent condition indicates the pistol is used but with no noticeable signs of use. A gun described as perfect is in new condition, the only difference between perfect and new (the highest standard) is that new guns have never been sold
Record your findings.4. Use your data to determine the pistol's condition.