Friday, March 20, 2015

Get Rust From A Glass Vase

Rust on a glass vase can be easily removed.

Alluring decorative glass vases may rust due to exposure to moisture and other environmental factors such as O2. Rust buildup inside or on the elsewhere of a glass vase doesn't always penurious the vase is ruined and unusable. Removing the rust from a glass vase takes a dwarf amassed date and aim than simply wiping it elsewhere to restore the flash of the vase without harming the glass


1. Fill the cookhouse sink with warm water.

2. Add one cup of vinegar and two tablespoons of dish soap to the water.

3. Gently place vase in the water. Ensure that the vase is completely submerged in the water.

4. Soak the vase in the sink for 15 minutes.

5. Wash the vase in hot soapy water. Drain and rinse.

6. Pour one cup of white rice into the vase. Add enough vinegar to allow the rice to float.

7. Swish the rice and vinegar around inside the vase twice. Rinse the vase with warm water. Wipe away any remaining rust.9. Place the vase upside down on a soft cloth to dry.

Allow the rice and vinegar to soak for 15 minutes.8. Pour out the rice and vinegar.